“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”
Albert Einstein

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Dahilayan Forest Park a.k.a Dahilayan Adventure Park is located at the mountain side of Mount Katanglad, Bukidnon near Cagayan De Oro Misamis Oriental Mindanao. It's a exciting activity so popular to people to ride zipline in the sky from the hilltops.

Before you go Dahilayan Forest Park, it is recommended to stay a night in the down town of city Cagayan De Oro.

For hotel room accommodation, you can choose Pryce Plaza Hotel on Carmen Hill in the Cagayan De Oro city because it has a nice view to the city.

Address: Carmen Hill, Cagayan De Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Mindanao

TEL: +63-88-858-3111

Enjoy your breakfast at the dining room with a good view to the city Cagayan de Oro.

From Carmen Hill top you can see the ocean and the far side mountain of North Mindanao.

Have a good overlook to the city Cagayan de Oro.

Rent a jeepney from the hotel for a round trip to Dahilayan Forest Park.

The road condition is fine but a little dusty.

A classic bahay on the road Manolo Fortich - Libona - Indahag Road.

You will pass by Dole Pineapple totem where is the pineapple farm located and started.

You will see a huge hectare pineapple farm along both side the road.

Another side of pineapple farm.

Soon to arrive Dahilayan Forest Park before a hill with grass.

Arrived na sa Dahilayan Adventure Park a.k.a Dahilayan Forest Park.

A big sign of Forest Park.

Riding the zipline is a popular activity here and it's exciting.

Sliding from the top at the other side.

It's fun and exciting.

Other either way, you may choose riding another type of zipline.

Dahilayan Forest Park is located at Barangay Dahilayan at the side of Mount Katanglad which is about 30 kilo meters distance from Cagayan De Oro (CDO) City and 1 and 30 minutes time to travel by jeepney.


#mindanao, #cagayandeoro, #cdo, #dahilayan, #adventure, #misamisoriental, #forestpark, #zipline, #katanglad, #bukidnon

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