“The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church.”
-- Ferdinand Magellan

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Mount Samat Cross in Bataan province is official called Mount Samat National Shrine. It was built in year 1966 to remember the Battle of Bataan that Filipino and American soldiers fought Japanese invasion during World War II.

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Calamba City is the largest city in Laguna province in terms of population. It features with natural scene like for example Mt. Makiling and hot spring tourism spots. And it attracts many tourists  to visit this southern city evreyday.

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Buenavista Viewdeck is located at the halfway from Puerto Princesa City to Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. Standing on the viewdeck of Buenavista of the hilltop, you can overlook beautiful Ulugan Bay especially when it's clear view and freshy air after tropical rain shower.

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